Rekordintresse för Fjällmaraton Sälen – vi släpper 600 extra platser!

Inför året har vi sedan tidigare fått klart med två unga nyförvärv i form av Martin Nilsson och Ola Nyberg. Mycket glädjande har vi fått klart med en till, Ewan McCarthy. Ewan som har varit med oss en hel del på träningarna nu under hösten satsar hår mot VM i Skottland och nedan kommer en kort presentation om honom.
Age: 33
Family: Sambo Linnea
You’re from Scotland so why did you move to Falun? Linnea 😉
What do you miss most about Scotland? Everything!! …ok, mostly the mountains… Luckily Sälen is a good substitute!
This year you took vacation from your job and started to train harder and aiming for the WOC in Scotland, what do you think is most important for you to succeed there?
Success for me this year will be defined by me having given myself the best chances to perform and having worked hard with these chances. …or, put simply, I need to run fast with no mistakes!
Do you have any tips for us that are also dreaming about the Scottish highlands? Get strong and fast… if nothing else, just to make sure you don’t get eaten alive by the midges (knott) before you start!!
Why did you chose Malungs OK as your new club?
They are an ambitious and encouraging group to train and compete with.
Malungs OK has the goal to win Jukola, in which way do you think you will push the club forward to that goal?
I’m offering to buy the Karhu when they win!
Welcome to Malungs OK!
Rollen says:
Välkommen Ewan! Kul att du blir mård.