Tjeckisk landslagslöpare‏ förstärker Malung

Vi är glada att kunna presentera ett nyförvärv, för redan nu har vi fått klartecken att den tjeckiska landslagslöparen Daniel Hajek kommer att representera Malungs OK till säsongen 2016. Hajek, som tidigare representerat Stockholmsklubben Täby skall försöka att vara med på så många av våra samlingar och tävlingar han kan, såvida det inte krockar med det tjeckiska landslagets upplägg och studierna.

Danirl Hajek

Daniel på världscupavslutning i Arosa.

Nedan följer en kort intervju med honom:

You are from Czech Republic, but what part and how is the terrain looks like there?

I’m coming from the city of Brno, southern Moravia. Traditional orienteering town because of its universities. Nowadays about 2/3 of the czech national team is living in this area. The terrain here is really hilly but fast :-). Fortunately there is variety of terrains in close surroundings. From total flat to huge hills, from green hells to nice technical stony forests.

Except Orienteering you´re working part time and studying with your master. But what will you do then? The future is unknown but it seems I will continue with the PhD studies. Orienteering is passion so it is clear there is huge place reserved for it as well!

Before you run for swedish club Täby.  For how long and why did you choose Täby? I’ve been running for them since 2008 on advice of Tomas Dlabaja. For me as a junior it was great to have such a great runners of the same age group around like Oskar Sjöberg. I’m very thankfull for all the nice people from the club because they made my long journey through uncountable trainings, camps, competitions and parties unforgettable.

There are many clubs in the world. Why did you contact Malung and asked to join us?

The original thought on changing to Malung comes from my friend Vojtech Kral. He told me there could be a place for me in Malung. And there were two really positive things for me. First as in Täby when I changed there it is not a club full of foreigners. And then it is David Andersson who I consider one of the best runners of this generation.

 What are your goals in orienteering?

I want to see the top level I can reach, be the stable member of the team. Someone who the coaches can trust in every kind of terrain.

What is your best orienteering memory?

There is many of them :-). Medals in the czech club championships (relay of 4 boys and 3 girls), the very first big competition for Czech republic on elite level and 26th place in tough long distance at World cup in France, beating our rivals from Attunda in final sprint on last leg at Jukola… Probably the best memory is when I won the german individual championship but as a czech couldn’t be classified and then got the gold medal from Phillip Müller with the words that I am the true champion!

You understand some Swedish so here will follow five short questions in Swedish. (Highlight the one you prefer with red)

Dag eller Natt

Pizza eller Paj

Kort eller Långt

Hav eller Sjö

Tekniskt eller fysiskt

Tack Daniel för intervjun vi önskar dig varmt välkomna till klubben och det ska bli ett nöje att lära känna dig!

Lämna ett svar till Lalla Avbryt svar

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  1. Mycket trevligt!!
    Då kanske vi kan ses oftare!!!!


Orienteringskartor: Hur de har utvecklats genom åren

Orienteringskartan är central för sporten. Den här artikeln utforskar kartans spännande resa, från enkla skisser till dagens avancerade digitala verktyg. Vi tar en titt på orienteringskartans historia, nutid och framtid.…



Malungs OK Skogsmårdarna
Skolgatan 2
782 30 Malung