Welcome to the club Luka Seljak!

Luka is representing Slovene national team and OK Komenda in Slovenia. He is living with his parents and two years younger brother in village called Cerklje na Gorenjskem. Can you tell us little bit about how orienteering is in Slovenia? How did you get contact with the sport?

Orienteering in Slovenia is not very popular sport. There are around 150 active runners. In Slovenia we have a lot of different terrain types and I think this is a good reason to train in Slovenia. Beside Slovene orienteering forest and sprint league, we have some bigger orienteering competitions like Lipica Open, OO Cup, …

My beginning is nothing special.

When I was three years old my mum started giving sport lessons to 4 to 5 years old children in Orienteering club Komenda. She introduced me to sport and then orienteering. In my childhood I tried many sports but only orienteering was constant and the one who remained.

Luka with our friend Matjaž Štanfels shirt.

What is your goal with orienteering?

This year my goal is to be better than 20. place at EYOC Long.

In general, my wish is to become a world elite class orienteerer one day in the future. There is still a long way to there but I hope I will make it.

My life long goal in orienteering is to be able to run WMOC 2080.

My moto is that I have to enjoy it every day as much as I can.

You have some plans to come to Sweden this year can you tell us short about your plans?

This year I plan to compete at Tiomila. I have never run on Scandinavian terrain before so I will try to come to as much training camps as I can. First I will come to Åland at the end of March. Then I will try to come for Kolmarden and stay till the first and second Swedish league. After that I will come to Tiomila and stay in Sweden until the training camp in Salen, and I will also come some days before EQPE Fjall Maraton.

This is where my plan at the moment ends.

You are studying can you tell us about it?

I’m a student of secondary woodworking school in town called Škofja Loka which is 30 km away from my home. I’m at the second of the four levels and I can boast that I am the best student in my class.

You are soon having your 17th birthday how do you normally celebrate this?

Yeah, I had birthday something more than two weeks ago. I usually celebrate my birthday with my family. We make a cake with special cream according to my grandmother’s recipe. Then we have some music and mini party.

Five short questions highlight the one you prefer.

Movie / Game

Sprint/ Long

Pizza / Pasta

Night/ Day

Sea/ Mountain

Lämna ett svar

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  1. Välkommen till föreningen!



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782 30 Malung